11 Reasons I Miss One Tree Hill

Yesterday was the 11th anniversary of the premiere of One Tree Hill, and I was not able to celebrate because I had so many midterms (forgive me OTH fans, but wouldn’t Haley James Scott AKA tutor girl be so proud?). That doesn’t mean my head wasn’t in Tree Hill all day, and I have to admit, I miss the little show that could because…

1. The music: I love my OTH playlist more than anything, but I have to admit the songs can get old. If there were new episodes of One Tree Hill, there would be more songs to dramatically set my life to.


2. Naley: I’d be lying if I said Nathan Scott and Haley James Scott weren’t the ultimate relationship goal (I also just added Naley to my dictionary so WordPress knows never put a red line under Naley again).Naley

3. Brooke Penelope Davis: Sophia Bush made this character a total badass. I want to be her best friend and say “ho’s over bro’s” 10 times a day. At least.tumblr_mhf1wbqAQj1s30b46o1_500

4. And her tears: When B. Davis cries, we all cry.


5. And her one-liners: Don’t mess with Brooke, or do, so we can see how brilliantly she responds.giphy

6 . And how relatable she is: I don’t think there is any other female character on TV (right now) that went through what all of us girls go through everyday. #WWBDD (What Would Brooke Davis Do?).


7. Peyton’s art: Even though P. Sawyer wasn’t on the last few seasons of the show, her art was the perfect combination of dark and beautiful. I could also use some more podcasts and updates from Punk n Disorderly. tumblr_lvwegseho91qjmwk7o1_500

8. The voice-overs: It’s almost scary how much the quotes from this show relate to your life, and most of them come from the voice-overs.

9. The villains: No one does crazy, psycho, stalker killers like One Tree Hill. No one.Nanny-carrie-attack

10. Basketball: The thrill of watching The Ravens win the State Championship and even Nathan and Lucas coaching their own Ravens team compares to no other fictional basketball team.550515907

11. The actors dedication to the show: My heart feels better when the One Tree Hill actors give us dedicated OTHers some love.

I’d continue, but my Netflix account and a re-watch is calling my name. Always & forever, OTH, always & forever.

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